(function () {
"use strict";
var BitSet = require('../lib/BitSet.js'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
isNode = ( typeof module === 'object' && module.exports),
util = isNode && require("util"),
isDbg = isNode ? require("./logger").isDebugEnabled : function () {
_MAX_VAL_SUPPORTED = 0x7fffffff;
* @class BloomFilter
* @classdesc Bloom Filter is a probabilistic data structure used to test if an element is
* a member of a set or not. False positives are possible but false negatives or not
* i.e. if the answer to mightContain(e) is false, then the element is definetly not
* in the set. But if the answer is true, then the element may still not be in the set
* [For more details see this tutorial](http://billmill.org/bloomfilter-tutorial/)
* @param config {Object=} An object with following properies
* ```js
* {
* expectedInsertions: The number of expected insertions in the filter, default is 1024,
* falsePosPercent: Acceptable false positive rate, default is 0.03,
* hashGenerator: Optional Hash Generator, By default
* the library provides a MD5 based hash generation. The hash generation uses node's crypto library.
* A single 128 bit hash is created which is then used to create different hashes.
* [See Less Hashing, Same Performance](http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~kirsch/pubs/bbbf/esa06.pdf)
* }
* ```
function BloomFilter(config) {
var numInsert = config.expectedInsertions,
falsePosPercent = config.falsePosPercent;
this.hashGenerator = config.hashGenerator || MD5HashGen;
this.n = typeof numInsert === 'number' ?
Math.round(numInsert) : 1024;
this.fpp = (falsePosPercent < 0 || falsePosPercent > 1) ? 0.05 : falsePosPercent;
this.m = Math.round((-1 * this.n * Math.log(this.fpp)) / (Math.log(2) * Math.log(2)));
if (this.m > _MAX_VAL_SUPPORTED)this.m = _MAX_VAL_SUPPORTED;
this.k = Math.max(1, Math.round((this.m / this.n) * Math.log(2)));
this.buckets = new BitSet(this.m);
if (isDbg()) {
console.log(util.format("Constructed Bloom Filter, Expected Insertions=%d\n" +
"FalsePositivePercent=%d\n" +
"Hash Generator function=%s\n" +
"Number of hashes needed per object=%d\n" +
"Number of hash buckets=%d\n", this.n, this.fpp, this.hashGenerator.name, this.k, this.m));
* @memberOf BloomFilter.prototype
* @instance
* @param obj {*} element to add to the filter
* The element being added is first "stringified" and then added to the filter.
* If the element is an string, it is used as is.
* If the element is a Number, it is converted to string.
* If the element is an Array, all elements of the array are recursively "stringified" and joined.
* If the element is an Object, it is checked if the object contains a function "stringify", if yes
* that function is invoked and the resulting string is used.
* For all other cases, default toString() is used.
BloomFilter.prototype.put = function (obj) {
var hashes = this.hashGenerator(obj, this.k);
hashes.forEach(function (h) {
var bucket_idx = (h & _MAX_VAL_SUPPORTED) % this.m;
}, this);
* @memberOf BloomFilter.prototype
* @instance
* @param obj {*} element to check for presence
* @return {Boolean} true if all hashes of object are present in the Set, false otherwise
BloomFilter.prototype.mightContain = function (obj) {
var hashes = this.hashGenerator(obj, this.k),
bk = this.buckets,
match = true;
hashes.every(function (h) {
var bucket_idx = (h & 0x7fffffff) % this.m;
match = match && bk.get(bucket_idx);
return match;
}, this);
return match;
function stringify(obj) {
var strRep = "";
if (typeof obj === 'string')return obj;
if (typeof obj === 'number')return (obj + "");
if (obj instanceof Array) {
strRep = obj.reduce(function (prev, val) {
return prev + stringify(val);
}, "");
} else {
if (obj['stringify'] && (typeof obj['stringify'] === 'function')) {
strRep += obj.stringify();
} else {
strRep += obj;
return strRep;
* Default hash generator used for K hashes of an object being
* added to BloomFilter
* @param obj
* @param numHashes
* @return {Array} of hashes
function MD5HashGen(obj, numHashes) {
var md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5'),
hashes = [],
strRep = stringify(obj);
if (isDbg())console.log("string rep >> " + strRep);
var digBuf = md5Hash.digest();
var h1 = digBuf.readUInt32BE(8),
h2 = digBuf.readUInt32BE(12),
for (var i = 1; i <= numHashes; i++) {
hn = h1 + i * h2;
if (isDbg())console.log("hashes >>" + hashes);
return hashes;
function RSHash(buffer) {
var hash = 0;
for (var i; i < buffer.length; i++) {
hash = hash * 31 + buffer[i];
module.exports = BloomFilter;
* A user provided hash generation function
* @callback BloomFilter~config.hashGenerator
* @param object {*}
* @param numHashes The number of hashes to be returned for the object
* @returns Array The function should return an array of integers , each representing a different
* hash value of the same object